Why Give?
At Nore Dame, we have a proud tradition of attracting gifted scholars, artists and athletes who become young men and women of character, faith and intellect. Each day our students excel in the classroom, on the playing fields, in the community, and through a myriad of clubs and organizations of service and faith. So many of these opportunities would not be available without the critical financial support that the Annual Fund provides. Your gift to the Annual Fund impacts every aspect of the Notre Dame experience, and is a significant measure of the strength of our school and community.
For alumni, it is a chance to “give back” to the institution where you spent your childhood years. It is where you learned the foundation for your life through teachers, coaches, and mentors, all working together to help you to grow as a person.
For our parishioners, parents and grandparents, the Annual Fund is a way to “Pay it Forward” to your children, grandchildren and the children of our parish, so that they may build for our world a brighter future, based on Catholic spirituality and service.
How does it help?
The purpose of the Notre Dame Annual Fund is to support excellence in education at our schools. Your gift helps bridge the gap between what tuition covers and the actual cost of educating our children. It goes directly to both schools’ general operating fund, which provides the salaries and benefits of our teachers, staff, and maintenance of our facilities.
The Annual Fund supports the immediate and essential needs and programs at Notre Dame Schools, so that we may carry on the tradition of educating the young people of the community and our parishes.
We are so grateful for your donation to Notre Dame Schools! Online donations can be made at any time from the comfort of your own home or any place with internet access.
Online donations are credited to your tax statement for the end of the year (except when made anonymously), and you can change your account preferences and donation amounts at any time. Here are some benefits to online giving:
No need to hassle with checks or cash
24/7 web based access
Easily schedule recurring donations to coincide with your pay period
No need to share bank account information because you enter it directly into the online giving secure site
Contribution amount is easily adjusted as needed
How you can support?

Mail a check to the Notre Dame High School Development Office at 2220 Sunrise Ave, Portsmouth Ohio, 45662

Text the word “GIVE” to: (844) 617-0941